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"Embracing New Horizons: Updates and Excitement Ahead!"
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"Embracing New Horizons: Updates and Excitement Ahead!"

I'm thrilled to update you all on the latest happenings! Last week (Jan 18, 2024), I sent out a mailer email announcing the upcoming Chakra course and seeking volunteers to try it for free in exchange for feedback and reviews. Thank you to everyone who responded! I eagerly await your thoughts on the program. I'm working hard to launch it by mid-March, with parts of it becoming available sooner, so stay tuned for updates.

In other exciting news, I've had the honor of launching a podcast with my childhood friend and soul sister, Rachel. Rachel already has an amazing blog and YouTube channel featuring mini exercises and invaluable tips for sleep and overall wellness. Our podcast, titled "Friendship, Wellness, and Wisdom," can be found on YouTube. Despite my limited technical skills in audio and video editing, we're making progress with each episode. Our first four shows have focused on self-care. If you haven't already, please check us out and share your feedback.

On a personal note, I've been revamping my studio, and you can catch glimpses of the changes in the background of our podcast episodes.

As I focus on these new projects, I've temporarily slowed down on customer orders, but I'll be picking them back up in March. I'm excited to relaunch the store and expand into online learning and digital products, fulfilling a longstanding goal of mine to share the knowledge and passion that have fueled my personal growth.

Additionally, I've embarked on another entrepreneurial endeavor called the Bountiful Yogi. While the vision for this venture is still taking shape, I'm thrilled about the possibilities it holds.

I can't wait to embark on this next chapter with all of you. Here's to growth, development, and new adventures together as a community!

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